Putting university community issues into context


The Federation produces briefs, opinions, surveys, reports and videos that document the role of the university and professors in society, and reflect on the best conditions for fulfilling the university mission.

At a glance 👁️

adequately support the university mission

university and research funding

Protecting research in Quebec - all research

March 2024. Brief submitted as part of the specific consultations and public hearings on Bill 44.

Financing the fundamental missions of universities

June 2023. Brief submitted as part of the review of Quebec's university funding policy at the invitation of the Minister of Higher Education.

The place of science

May 2021. Brief submitted to the public consultations on the Quebec research and innovation strategy.

"Any change that, in the medium or long term, would have the effect of globally reorienting provincial strategy and research funding according to promises of economic development or innovation could only be to the detriment of large swathes of Quebec research, thus restricting the advancement of knowledge and compromising our position on the national and international levels."

Defending and promoting independent research

Academic freedom

Research Ethics and Academic Freedom

February 2024. An opinion by the Committee on Academic Freedom.

Research ethics and academic freedom

February 2024. Standing Committee opinion no. 6 on academic freedom.

Academic freedom and freedom of expression in educational institutions: a contribution from the FQPPU

January 2024. Note from the Standing Committee on Academic Freedom to the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Right to Education, Ms Farida Shaheed.

"No one is questioning the need for universities to ensure that research is carried out in a way that respects the rights of individuals and provides real protection for vulnerable people and all those affected by research work. No one questions the need to respect animal welfare and the other imperatives underlying research ethics standards. What is problematic in terms of academic freedom is the unpredictable, unjustified and disproportionate nature of certain research ethics regulations or their practical application."

Extract from the opinion
“Research ethics and academic freedom

fair and healthy treatment for teachers

Teachers' working conditions

Public signage in classrooms: an issue to be considered from the standpoint of preventing psychosocial risks and domestic violence

January 2024. Memo written by Célia Favre, consultant for the analysis of teachers' working conditions.

The impact of the pandemic on the overall health of university professors

December 2022. Research report produced under the scientific direction of Christiane Bergeron-Leclerc (Université du Québec à Chicoutimi) and Danielle Maltais (Université du Québec à Chicoutimi).

Survey on the quality of work life for professors at Québec universities

October 2021. Review presented by researchers Henriette Bilodeau (UQAM), Pascale Denis (UQAM), Angelo Dos Santos Soares (UQAM) and Geneviève Hervieux (UQAM).

"[T]he overall results already show that it is the organizational variables that are most damaging to the mental health of the population studied, in particular work overload. The very worrying level of psychological distress among the respondents is also to be taken seriously, not least because it is twice as high as in the general population."

For fair, inclusive and discrimination-free university environments


A short guide to inclusive writing

December 2023. This guide sets out the Federation's guidelines for using inclusive writing.

"Other implicit biases lurk in the EETP funding formula, biases that confer significant advantages on programs and universities catering to the most advantaged students. To reduce these biases as much as possible, the FQPPU recommends integrating factors related to the proportion of first-generation students, student parents, students with disabilities and students from remote regions into the weighting of these EETPs. In addition, specific funding should be provided for the integration of aboriginal students, in consultation with their communities, for example, by setting aside a specific budget envelope".

Extract from the dissertation
Financing the fundamental missions of universities



Research and scientific dissemination in French: countering inequalities

December 2022. Brief submitted to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Science and Research.

"The undivided domination of English as the main language of scientific dissemination and, consequently, of recognition of the scientific value of research, is a massive phenomenon, which imposes itself not only on French-speaking researchers in Canada or in the Francophonie, but on all researchers whose first language is not English.

Understanding how the federation works

Bylaws and regulations

FQPPU by-laws and regulations

February 2024 (last update). Definition of the Federation, main principles, general provisions, finances, Federal Council, Executive Committee, regulations.

"[T]he Federation is a politically oriented body whose overall mission is to work to maintain, defend, promote and develop the university as a public service and to defend an accessible, quality university."

Excerpt from
FQPPU by-laws and regulations
(initially adopted in 1991)